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Our Sure Moral Compass And Spiritual Anchor

Dennis Abernathy

Friends, today think about how many people are psychologically falling apart. Many, many people require Valium and other like drugs daily to cope with life. Multitudes are slaves to narcotics and alcohol, feeling their lives are hollow and meaningless. In fact, they are so desperately dissatisfied with their lives they even contemplate suicide.

But the good news is that there is help from God in the Scriptures. As someone once said, “A Bible that is falling apart usually means the owner isn’t.” What is my point? You see, millions of people have found priceless guidance, comfort, and strength in God’s Word. They have discovered what the Bible calls “the peace of God, which surpasses (transcends) all understanding” (Philippians 4: 7). Sadly, many do not understand what real peace is. They want God to guard the outer man. They would like to be surrounded always by peaceful circumstances. But God has never promised that we will be surrounded by a stormproof, disease-resistant and an aggravation-blocking shield, absent of any strife. He has promised that He will guard our hearts and minds, regardless of what happens to our bodies. But we must desire this peace so badly that we will be willing to do what is necessary to have it.

For example, James Ramsey MacDonald, former Prime Minister of England, was talking with another government official about the possibility of lasting peace. The official thought MacDonald’s views were naïve. “The desire for peace does not necessarily ensure it” he said. “True” the Prime Minister said. “Neither does the desire for food satisfy your hunger, but at least it gets you started toward a restaurant,” Likewise, if we desire peace strongly enough, it will start us toward doing what we need to do. Of course, not everyone who reads the Bible lives by the Bible. Some read the Bible for the wrong reasons. However, if one follows it, the Scriptures can bring strength, hope, and comfort into his/her life. (Rom. 15: 4).

Dear reader, instead of being adrift without moral compass or spiritual anchor, you can find proven guidance, priceless comfort, and inner strength in God’s Word (Psa. 119: 105; 2 Thess. 4: 18; Acts 20: 32). Think on these things.

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11 Oxford Street


Meeting Address
Oxford Street Chapel - 1890
11 Oxford Street
Brighton, Sussex


9:30 AM – Bible Class
10:30 AM – Worship service


9:30 AM

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